There is good news for you if you have unwanted wrinkles on your skin and you would like to explore non-surgical options to get rid of them. You will not have to choose between a surgical procedure like a facelift or simply putting up with the wrinkles to avoid an invasive surgery. There are non-surgical skin tightening methods that can be done in the comfort of our office and do not require you to take any time out from your normal routine to allow yourself to recover. One such treatment that is both safe and effective is Thermage®.
Wrinkles form when the skin becomes loose. This begins to happen with age because your skin does not contain as much collagen as it once did. The reason is that the body does not replenish it at the same rate as the years roll by. Less collagen means more wrinkles. Collagen is a protein in the lower layers of the skin that helps to keep it tight and give it fullness. When these properties are lost because the quantity of collagen is reduced, the natural effect is skin that starts to loosen. Since it is not stretched as tight as it was earlier, it will develop lines and wrinkles. Therefore, you will begin to show signs of aging.
Since the fundamental cause of wrinkles can be attributed to a reduction in the amount of collagen that is present in the skin, these wrinkles can be attacked at their source by stimulating the skin to produce extra collagen. When the amount of the substance returns to what it once was, the appearance will return too.
There are a variety of treatment options available to help you get rid of those wrinkles without having to resort to surgery. One of the best of these methods is Thermage®. This treatment uses radiofrequency energy to safely heat the skin. As the heat is absorbed by the skin layers, collagen will begin to grow as a result. Over the following months, the collagen will reach levels that are sufficient to restore fullness and tightness to the skin. There is also some immediate tightening of the skin that takes place in response to the radiofrequency energy, so you will not have to wait for a period of time before seeing any benefits at all.
Have a discussion with our team at Estetika Skin & Laser Specialists to see if Thermage® is right for you. After an evaluation, we can give you a better idea of the kind of results you can expect with non-surgical skin tightening. We have offices in Milwaukee, WI and Delafield, WI. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for non-surgical skin tightening.