It is interesting how having crow’s feet not only makes you look older, but also makes you feel older as well. There is a definite connection between the way you see yourself and the way you feel about yourself. When you look in the mirror and you see crow’s feet at the outer corners of your eyes, it makes you feel older. If you would like to improve the way you look and the way you feel, BOTOX® may be able to help.
The interesting thing is that everyone gets wrinkles at the corner of their eyes when they smile or laugh. Even when a person sees a bright light, their natural reaction is to squint. The fascinating thing is that when a person makes these expressions and they are on the younger side, their skin just goes back to normal afterward. Instead of seeing those creases, all you see is just smooth, soft skin. Unfortunately, things change when you get older. When you smile or squint, those lines that are on your face because of the facial expression just stay there even when you are no longer making that expression.
So, you may be wondering how BOTOX® can help you get rid of your crow’s feet. When this product is administered, it is skillfully injected right into the muscles that contract and cause the crow’s feet to appear. After the treatment, the muscles will gradually begin to relax, leaving the skin smooth and wrinkle-free.
You do not need to feel worried when thinking about having this product injected into the muscles around your eyes or in other places. You will still be able to laugh, smile, squint and move your facial muscles like normal. However, since the muscles are relaxed, the skin above them remains smooth. This is going to give you a younger appearance. It is going to make you look refreshed and feel happier.
Any questions you have about BOTOX® can be answered during an initial consultation at Estetika Skin & Laser Specialists. It is during this time that we are going to determine your candidacy for the product. First, it is important to mention that good candidates are in good overall health. If you are a healthy adult, you will likely qualify for this treatment and be able to say goodbye to your crow’s feet.
Estetika Skin & Laser Specialists has offices in Delafield, WI and Milwaukee, WI. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for BOTOX®.